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Rabu, 13 April 2011

Tip sederhana agar Merpati Giring Keras

Tip sederhana agar Merpati Giring Keras

Tip sederhana agar Merpati Giring Keras
saya tulis karena banyaknya pertanyaan dari teman2 pemula karena banyak merpati dari teman2 ini yang giring atau ngeketnya kurang keras.

Agar merpati bisa giring keras harus terpenuhi syarat syarat sbb:

- Kedua Merpati yang dijodohkan harus sudah dewasa dan sehat.
- Betina cocok/ disukai sama jantan, lenjeh dan bertelur tepat waktu.
- Merpati Jantan harus punya karakter/ sifat giring yg bagus (ngeket).

Setelah syarat2 ini terpenuhi baru dilkukan perawatan yang tepat agar merpati giring keras :

Asupan tambahan.
Disamping pakan harian rutin jagung dan beras merah untuk menigkatkan kesehatan dan meningkatkan nafsu birahi masih perlu diberi asupan tambahan yg banyak mengandung protein macam kacang2an : kacang tanah, kacang hijau atu kedelai. Dan makanan organic seperti Grid.

Tambahan vitamin B Komplex sesekali diperlukan agar burung tetap fit , dan vitamin A mata tetap tajam, Vitamin D dan Vitamin E agar bulu dan kulit merpati tetap sehat.

Tambahan rimpang untuk jamu juga baik untuk merpati, tambahan kencur sebesar biji kacang diberikan saat malam hari menjelang burung diulatih diyakini juga bisa menambah merpati jadi giring keras.

Merpati seminggu sekali perlu dibersihkan pakai sampo agar kutu atau kotoran lain hilang , hingga bulu tetap bersih & badan tetap sehat.

Setelah dimandikan merpati perlu dijemur yang cukup, penjemuran sebaiknya dilakukan tiap hari sepanjang merpati tidak mengeram.
Penjemuran ini disamping meningkatkan kesehatan burung, juga bisa membakar lemak dan melenturkan bulu merpati, sehingga bulu menjadi terasa halus badan lebih ringan, sehingga merpati bisa terbang lebih tinggi.

Perkawinan merpati sebaiknya dilakukan sore atau nalam hari saja

Sekap di pagupon
Pagupon ini sebaiknya dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga merpati tidak bisa kawin dalam pagupon.
Pagi hari burung dikeluarkan dari pagupon dan dijemur kurang lebih 2 – 3 jam dan sebaiknya burung tidak kawin.
Setelah selasai penjemuran burung ditaruh ditempat teduh, kurang lebih 5 menit baru merpati dikasih minum dan makan sedikit saja , next masukan kembali ke pagupon.
Sore atau malam hari burung dikasih makan dan minum dan biarkan burung kawin beberapa kali baru dimadukkan ke pagupon lagi. Dalam waktu 2 hari biasanya burung sudah giring keras atau keket keras.

Selamat mencoba & semoga Manfaat.

Merpati Atas Cimulang

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Pigeon Racing

Pigeon racing is a result of breeding of pigeons that have been bred specifically to be able to fly faster, instinct to return stronger for the racing pigeon sport. Popular domesticated pigeons, pigeon racing, is one of the most recent results.
Pigeon bird belonged smart, this proved to kejinakan and its ability to recognize the cage and the surrounding area, especially homing pigeon. Racing pigeons have other advantages that are not less terrible to the carrier pigeon, that is able to recognize a partner, owner, or coach from a considerable distance.
Generally a good racing pigeon has the following characteristics:
1. Section Head and Neck:

Part of Short, straight, strong and slightly curved edges signify giringnya Keket or good.
Clear eyes with full round eyeball (do not look broken) and small enough to indicate good ability to see clearly from a distance.
Head of the proportional and quite large indicating a large brain volumes (bright).
Her neck was sufficient and not too long and large, but remains proportionately to maintain the position of fly on the air in order to remain streamlined.
2. Body Parts, Legs and tail:

Shoulders straight and sturdy as the site where the wing
A fairly thick wing muscle strength indicates the maximum flapping their wings in order to obtain far-reaching in all flaps. Wing feathers neat, thick, length, width, and the meeting indicate that pigeons can achieve long distance in one flap because the air a bit loose. Primary wing feathers are usually composed of 10 feathers, but sometimes found in pigeons with 11 primary wing feathers feathers on one or both wings. This condition can increase the density of wing feathers.
Legs proportionally with a small and long finger to direct the wind backs after passing through the chest at the time of flight
Stacks of thick hair on the buttocks and pubic bone hard enough so that the cohesiveness of muscles to achieve a maximum final velocity can be guaranteed.
3. Other characteristics:

Fur soft, dry and waxed to reduce hamabatan and prevent the storage of water from the air which can reduce the speed of the bird because of gaining weight.
Sternum slightly curved to reduce wind hamabatan.
Neck of a pigeon racing must be proportional, not too short nor too long, so it does not increase the friction in the air.

Pigeon Racing, Pigeon Racing distinguished Physical Characteristics Good

In response to so many questions about the physical characteristics of a good pigeon racing, we try to answer the following article.

We start from a good racing pigeon beak of course there are several models, some are shaped like sparrows (finches), is shaped like a thin and sharp eagle basically be harmonious and balanced with a large head, thereby reducing friction during flight. Then there's head-shaped form of split nut (nyigar jambe), there is a conical towards making it very aerodynamic part depending on the taste of the racing pigeon owners but if it's too jenong like fish louhan of course greatly increases the friction and reduce speed.

Then the eyes should ideally clear and sharp as a hawk eye, eye color is a yellow variety, preferably white trim that was red, reddish yellow depending on taste owners.

Neck of a pigeon racing must be proportionate means not too short and not too long so it does not add friction diudara.kemudian ideally triangular chest, njantung like athletes. Thick wing, closed the meeting so that the expected loss on the right and left full flap and close it very tightly until all flaps was far away. Furthermore, the fur jawat / lar 10 must be dried and thick berlidi, so strong for temporary hair flapping in the subtle body and nyutra (silky) coat color is brown (small cube), black, Tritis, gray, dark combination, but in general gray preferably once again taste masing2 owners. Then the meat should be flexible / soft, and the chopsticks / wangkong sharp and hard two is a little finger, thick tail and the legs are not too panjang.kemudian ideally sturdy, dry and not too long of course they will be just as things are more important benchmark field conditions.